2. Accessing ORCID APIs

API Environments


User interface https://sandbox.orcid.org/signin
Public API https://pub.sandbox.orcid.org
Member API https://api.sandbox.orcid.org

Sandbox vs Production:

  • Sandbox sometimes has features/changes that don't exist yet in production
  • Sandbox has less compute power, fewer servers (slower, less reliable)
  • Sandbox only sends emails to mailinator.com addresses
  • Import wizard tools for works, funding, etc don't work in the Sandbox
  • Menu links to informational content (For Researchers, For Organizations, About, Help, etc) don't work in the Sandbox
  • Sandbox doesn't contain production data


User interface https://orcid.org/signin
Public API https://pub.orcid.org
Member API https://api.orcid.org

API credentials

To use any of the ORCID APIs, you'll need credentials consisting of a client ID and a client secret.

Public API

  1. Visit the Developer Tools section of your ORCID record:

  2. Fill out the form
    ORCID public API credential request form

  3. Get API credentials!
    ORCID public API credentials

Member APIs


  1. Visit https://orcid.org/content/register-client-application-sandbox

  2. Fill out the form
    ORCID member API credential request form

  3. Wait patiently for an email from the ORCID support team, which will contain instructions for retreiveing your credentials.


Visit https://orcid.org/content/register-client-application-production-trusted-party and complete the form.

Members are required to test their applications against Sandbox and complete a review before receiving Production credentials.

All member integrations need to meet the requirements on the Member API Credential Checklist

For this workshop, we'll use a set of demo set of Sandbox member API credentials:

client_id: APP-XA6KUTFCVQL0622C
client_secret: 7c8d6b1b-401b-4f5d-9b8b-b8108c6e197c

(Demo client secret created for this workshop - do not share API client secrets!)