7. ADD information

ORCID member organizations can use the API to add information from their systems, like affiliations, grants and publications, to user's records, making that information visible both to the user and to other systems that rely on ORCID data.

In this section, we'll use the Member API to add an education affiliation item to our Sandbox record.

Get an access token

Before we can add data to an ORCID record, we first need to get permission from the record owner via the same OAuth 2.0 process we used to get an authenticated iD in the previous section.

Why do we need permission? Control over access to data in your ORCID record is one of ORCID's core princples. While you can read public data without the record owner's involvement, reading non-public data or making changes to data always requires the record owner's permission.

  1. In the same Postman request tab that you used in the last section, click Get New Access Token
  2. Change Token Name to Update record and Scope to /activities/update. Leave all other fields as they were in the Get an authenticated ORCID iD section
    /activities/update scope generates a token that can be used to add/update items in the education, employment, funding and works sections of an ORCID record.
    Postman config for exchanging authorization code for access token
  3. Leave Request access token locally unchecked and click Request Token
  4. An ORCID sign-in screen will appear; sign into the Sandbox ORCID account you created earlier. Note: If you're already signed into ORCID in the same browser, this step will be skipped.
    ORCID Sandbox signin screen
  5. A screen asking you to grant permission to update your ORCID record will appear; click Authorize
    ORCID Sandbox authorization screen
  6. Beneath Existing Tokens, click Update record. The Access Token for the user who signed in will appear at right.
    Postman response for an access token request

Add an education affiliation

Next, we'll use the access token generated in the previous section to add an education affiliation to our Sandbox ORCID record.

  1. In the same Postman Builder tab, you were working in to generate the Update record access token, set the request type to POST.
  2. In the Request URI field enter:
    https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/v2.0/[ORCID ID]/education
    Replace [ORCID ID] with the iD for your Sandbox record, format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Postman request URI config for education affiliation POST request
  3. Click Authorization, select the Update record token, and set the Add token to dropdown to Header
    Postman authorization config for education affiliation POST request
  4. Click Headers and add the keys and values below (notice that Postman added the access token as a header)
Key Value
Accept application/vnd.orcid+xml
Content-type application/vnd.orcid+xml

Postman headers config for education affiliation POST request

  1. Click Body and set the format to raw
  2. Copy the education affiliation XML at the end of this section and paste it into the text box
    Google OAuth Playground Request Body configuration for new education affiliation
  3. OPTIONAL: In the Request Body text box, edit the XML to reflect your institution.
    For <disambiguated-organization-identifier>, use the Ringgold Identify database to find the Ringgold ID for your institution (you'll need to register a free Ringgold account in order to search the database).
  4. Click Send.
  5. Results will appear in the Response section at the bottom of the screen. If you see Status: 201 Created, your education affiliation was successfully added!
    Google OAuth Playground response for successful education affiliation POST request
    Got an error? Check the ORCID API error code reference for help
  6. Visit the public view of your Sandbox record at http://sandbox.orcid.org/[ORCID ID] to see your new education affiliation.
    ORCID record with new education affiliation item added
    Notice that Source shows the name of the API client that added the affiliation - this is a key element that helps other systems consuming ORCID data determine whether this piece of information is authoritative.

Education affiliation XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  xmlns:common="http://www.orcid.org/ns/common" xmlns:education="http://www.orcid.org/ns/education"
  xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.orcid.org/ns/education ../education-2.0.xsd "> 
  <education:role-title>Degree title</education:role-title>
    <common:name>My University</common:name>
      <common:city>Some City</common:city>