5. SEARCH public info

In addition to reading information on a specific ORCID record, you can use the API to search for ORCID records that contain specific information.

In this section, we'll try searches using just a few of the available fields. For a full list of fields that you can search, see our Basic tutorial: Searching Data using the ORCID API

Get an access token

If you already have a token valid for the scope /read-public from the previous section, you can use that token.

If not, go back and follow the steps in READ public info: Get an access token

Search for records with an institutional affiliation

  1. Open Postman and click the Builder tab at the top of the screen
  2. Set the request type to GET
  3. In the Enter request URL field enter:
    Postman request for ORCID record search
  4. Click the Authorization tab and set the Type dropdown to OAuth 2.0
  5. Under Existing Tokens, select the Read public token, and set the Add token to dropdown to Header at right
    Postman response for an access token request
  6. Click Send the request
  7. The total number of matching ORCID iDs and a list of those iDs will appear Request/Response section
    Postman response for ORCID record search

Paging search results

If your search matches more than 100 ORCID iDs, only the first 100 iDs will be returned in the list of results. To get the next set of results, you'll need to make another API request.

  1. In the Request URL field enter:
  2. Click Send
  3. The total number of matching ORCID iDs and a list of iDs 101-301 will appear in the Body section of the response

To get the entire set of results, repeat the query in step 2, changing start= until you've reached collected all of your results.