8. UPDATE information

In a real-world situation, you may need to update information that you've added previously, like the dates of a researcher's affiliation with your institution.

In this section, we'll use the Sandbox Member API to update our education affiliation to include an end date.

Update an education affiliation

  1. In the Response section from the POST request we just made, click Headers and scroll down to Location. Copy the 5-character code at the end of the URI - this is the put-code for the education affiliation that you added in the previous section.
    Detailed view of Postman response for successful education affiliation POST request showing put-code
  2. At the top of the screen, set the request type to PUT
  3. In the Request URL field, add a / to the end of the URL and paste the put code after it. The full URL should be:
    https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/v2.0/[ORCID ID]/education/[PUT CODE]
    Replace [ORCID ID] with the iD for your Sandbox record, format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and [PUT CODE] with the put-code for your education affiliation
    Postman request URI configuration for updating an education affiliation
  4. Click Authorization and make sure that your Update record token is still selected, and the Add token to dropdown is still set to Header
    Postman authorization config for education affiliation POST request
  5. Click Headers and make sure that accept and Content-type are both set to application/vnd.orcid+xml
    Postman header configuration
  6. Click Body; the XML for the affiliation you added in the previous step should appear.
  7. Inside the <education:education tag, add put-code="[PUT CODE]"
    Replace [PUT CODE] with the put-code for your education affiliation, ex <education:education put-code="26971"
    Postman request body configuration for updating an education affiliation showing where to place put-code
  8. Copy the affiliation end date XML at the end of this section and paste it beneath the </common:start-date> tag (and above the <education:organization> tag)
    Postman request body configuration for updating an education affiliation showing where to place end-date XML
  9. Click Send.
  10. The results will appear in the Response at the bottom of the screen. If you see Status: 200 OK, your education affiliation was successfully updated!
    Postman response for successful education affiliation PUT request
    Got an error? Check the ORCID API error code reference for help
  11. Visit the public view of your Sandbox record at http://sandbox.orcid.org/[ORCID ID] to see your updated education affiliation.
    ORCID record with updated education affiliation item

Affiliation end date XML
