8. UPDATE information
In a real-world situation, you may need to update information that you've added previously, like the dates of a researcher's affiliation with your institution.
In this section, we'll use the Sandbox Member API to update our education affiliation to include an end date.
Update an education affiliation
- In the Response section from the POST request we just made, click Headers and scroll down to Location. Copy the 5-character code at the end of the URI - this is the put-code for the education affiliation that you added in the previous section.
- At the top of the screen, set the request type to PUT
- In the Request URL field, add a
to the end of the URL and paste the put code after it. The full URL should be:
https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/v2.0/[ORCID ID]/education/[PUT CODE]
Replace [ORCID ID] with the iD for your Sandbox record, format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and [PUT CODE] with the put-code for your education affiliation
- Click Authorization and make sure that your Update record token is still selected, and the Add token to dropdown is still set to Header
- Click Headers and make sure that
are both set toapplication/vnd.orcid+xml
- Click Body; the XML for the affiliation you added in the previous step should appear.
- Inside the
tag, addput-code="[PUT CODE]"
Replace [PUT CODE] with the put-code for your education affiliation, ex<education:education put-code="26971"
- Copy the affiliation end date XML at the end of this section and paste it beneath the
tag (and above the<education:organization>
- Click Send.
- The results will appear in the Response at the bottom of the screen. If you see Status: 200 OK, your education affiliation was successfully updated!
Got an error? Check the ORCID API error code reference for help - Visit the public view of your Sandbox record at
http://sandbox.orcid.org/[ORCID ID]
to see your updated education affiliation.
Affiliation end date XML